Hans Kollhoff, Introducción/Introduction Fritz Neumeyer.

Hans Kollhoff

Introducción/Introduction Fritz Neumeyer.

This catalogue oft the work oft the architect Hans Kollhoff (Lobenstein/Thur, Germany, 1946), chronological survey of his output from 1980 up to 1991. During these ten years the architect has produced a considerable number of projects, ranging from early schemes for housing blocks to more recent projects in which his vision oft he city clearly demonstrates how the fertility and potency of his ideas reveals itself in the testing out of boundaries.

Fritz Neumeyer, in his introductions „Broadening horizons: the architecture of urban transformation“, describes how these ideas and concepts, rooted in the city itself, interpret the new context with delicacy and ingenuity.

Erschienen bei:GG Gustavo Gili
Autor:Hans Kollhoff Fritz Neumeyer
Herausgeber:Hans Kollhoff
Fassung, Abschnitt:1. Auflage | 96 Seiten
Hans Kollhoff, Introducción/Introduction Fritz Neumeyer.